What is terrorism and who are terrorists? Well, according to me they are a bunch of gun totting fools who live in a parallel universe, kill innocent people whenever they feel like, have no regard for fellow human beings and have no remorse or regret.
They are cold bloodied murderers. They don’t belong to any specific religion because the way they interpret god and his teachings, they just try to justify their actions. In fact, they are surely children of the devil.
It’s a general attitude worldwide, whenever you think of terrorism, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? The answer is Islam. We have a tendency to relate terrorism with Islam.
Whereas the fact is – All terrorists are not Muslims and all Muslims are not terrorists. Countless people lose their lives in terrorist attacks every year worldwide and the disturbing reality is that there seems to be no solution to all this violence and hatred.
India has been quite unsuccessful in dealing with terrorism. These maniacs strike whenever and however they want to. An average citizen of this country can become a victim anytime anywhere.
I personally get a bit worried whenever I visit a crowded market or a busy metro station. There’s a constant fear of an attack. You don’t know in which dustbin or a corner a bomb may explode or from which direction bullets will start flying. The Mumbai attacks just proved how vulnerable we all are. We have no sense of security.
Once Karan Thapar asked the then national security advisor M.K. Narayanan, how seriously he was scared of a second major Mumbai like strike on India? And he said “Here you are asking me a question that I live in almost daily dread that something that I am looking at or the Home Minister P Chidambaram”
If the NSA and the home minister of our country who despite having VIP status and round the clock armed security are scared then you can very well imagine the state of fear in which the common man is living.
Governments have come and gone but none of them did anything concrete for us. Even after so many tragic incidents it is still in deep slumber. For example, God forbid, if today bombs go off in Delhi, barricades and metal detectors will come up all over the city, government will ask us to remain calm, compensations will be given to the victims, some arrests will be made.
And after one month things will go back to where they were. Nobody will care. Is this the way to treat those who’ve trusted the government with their lives?
One thing I don’t understand is what kind of example the government wants to set by not hanging people like Afzal Guru and Ajmal Kasab?
Why do such things happen only in India? Doesn’t this prove the weakness and incompetence of our government? The monetary compensations given to the families of the victims of the attacks are useless until the perpetrators are not hanged. Money may help them but there would be no peace of mind.
When the local trains of Mumbai were bombed, the next day media showed scenes of trains packed with people (as in people were travelling without any fear). Every channel had the tagline, ‘salute to the spirit of Mumbai’.
What spirit are they talking about? Those passengers are not super heroes. Inside they are very scared. But to simply put it, they don’t have any other choice. If they won’t go to work, they won’t get paid and how will they survive?
It’s a battle between fear and hunger and for the majority of Indians, hunger always wins hands down. Just like the hit bollywood dialogue “Paapi pet ka sawaal hain” (it’s a question of one’s hungry stomach).
We know that India is not on friendly terms with its two major neighbours i.e. Pakistan and China. These countries have been disturbing our peace, directly or indirectly for decades now.
China supports the Naxalites and Maoists and reports say that it even supplies arms illegally to Pakistan.
We as a country have been abused by all kinds of terrorist acts like bombing, hijacking, suicide attacks et al. unfortunately, over the years, we have got used to it and each terrorist attack gives us a date to remember and a reason to light candles.
The media is happy, as it gets at least a week full of high TRP’s and increased circulation. But the irony is they forget the previous incident, the minute a bigger attack takes place. They create furor, for at least sometime, whenever a major attack happens, but in a matter of days they simply move on.
These terrorists, every few months give us a hot topic to talk about. Once it was the hijacking of the Indian airlines plane, and then occurred the attack on Parliament which was followed by the blasts in Delhi and then the recent Mumbai attack.
Just like everyone forgot Rupin Katyal, I am sure people like Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar will also be forgotten few years from now. I am disappointed and sad to say that we have perfected the art of forgiving and forgetting.
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